Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center
Find the lowest carpal tunnel surgery cost
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has certainly become more recognized with so many workers engaged in the repetitive hand movements necessary in various occupations for the past 30 years or more. If you are thinking you may have CTS, and may eventually face surgical intervention, you will benefit greatly by learning about carpal tunnel surgery cost. After all, you want the highest quality surgery for the lowest cost.
What happens when you have carpal tunnel syndrome?
This condition is the result of the median nerve being compressed or squeezed as it passes through the wrist.
What does the median nerve do? It controls some of the muscles responsible for moving the thumb. It also sends information back to the brain regarding sensations in the thumb and the neighboring fingers.
Inflammation of the carpal tunnel inside the wrist is considered to be a predominant cause of pain.
Several occupations may place people at particular risk of experiencing this condition over time.

The following occupations may trigger the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome:
- Musicians
- Cashiers
- Regular computer users
- Bakers
- Assembly line workers
- Food processors and packers
- Knitters or sewers
- Hairstylists
- Jobs requiring the use of vibrating tools
However, one’s occupation is not necessarily the only culprit for carpal tunnel syndrome. Some medical conditions that cause swelling in the wrist, which may obstruct blood flow, can trigger the condition while repetitive movements may only make it worse.
The following underlying conditions can be the original cause of carpal tunnel syndrome:
- Fluid retention resulting from pregnancy or menopause
- High blood pressure
- Thyroid problems
- Diabetes
- Rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune disorders
- Fractures or other wrist trauma
- Obesity
- Use of some medications, especially two for breast cancer – exemestane and anastrazole
The Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) website, has cited some basic statistics regarding the prevalence of CTS symptoms and diagnoses. The overall incidence of CTS is reported to be 5.8%.
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What are the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Common symptoms of CTS include:
- Burning, numbness or tingling in the thumb or any of the other fingers (except the pinky).
- Aching pain in the wrist and forearm.
- Aggravation with writing, driving, and sustained holding of objects.
- Difficulty with fine motor activity.
- The symptoms of CTS often occur at night because many people tend to sleep with their wrists bent. This results from pressure on the medial nerve when the wrist remains in a bent position for long periods and commonly interferes with sleep. As the condition progresses, you may feel the symptoms during the day as well.
Any of these symptoms may suggest that you should see a doctor and find out if CTS is the cause of your discomfort.
Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis
Physical examination – Your doctor may tap the palm side of your wrist over the median nerve. This is called a Tinel’s sign test. The purpose of this is to find out if you experience any tingling or numbness from the tapping. Other sensations you could experience in response to tapping are a mild electric shock or a “pins and needles” feeling.
He or she may also ask you to flex your wrist by bending your palm toward your forearm or use a gentle touch or pin prick to assess sensitivity in the thumb, index, and middle fingers.
Nerve conduction test – This measures the severity of the nerve compression. There are a few variations on this test, but one standard method is checking the nerve reaction when a small charge is sent through one of your fingers. This kind of test measures the speed of the nerve’s conduction to the electrical current.
Ultrasound scan – This is used in some cases because the median nerve may become swollen before it enters the carpal tunnel. These scans can pick up on the swollen condition of the nerve. Additionally, ultrasound may reveal some causes of CTS such as tendon or joint swelling, cyst formation, etc.

I’ve received a carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis. What’s next?
There are a few conservative methods of treating carpal tunnel syndrome. They include the following:
- Splints
A resting wrist splint may alleviate discomfort, especially if the symptoms are worse at night.
- Medication
Your doctor may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate your discomfort. Additionally, steroid injections into the carpal tunnel may reduce swelling symptoms.
- Exercises
Your doctor or a physical therapist may show you stretching techniques for the nerve and wrist.
- Work adjustments
If you believe that the work you do is at least contributing to symptoms in your wrist, discuss the situation with your supervisor or someone who is familiar with occupational health issues. You may be able to find ways to adjust your work habits to minimize discomfort on the job. If you are self-employed, ask your doctor or physical therapist about strategies to minimize discomfort in performing your work.
- Ice Soak
Some people swear by soaking their aching wrist in ice water for relief.
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When is carpal tunnel surgery indicated?
If all other strategies for alleviating the pain and swelling involved with carpal tunnel syndrome turn out to be unsatisfactory, surgery may be the answer.
The following symptoms may indicate that it is time to undergo surgery as a treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome:
- Your numbness, tingling or pain has not gone away or improved after six months of non-surgical treatment.
- It is becoming steadily more difficult to grasp, grip, or pinch objects the way you have in the past because of the weakening of your hand and wrist muscles, often leading to clumsiness and frequent dropping of objects.
- Symptoms that are routinely interfering with your sleep.
There are two types of surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome: mini-open and endoscopic.
- Mini-Open
This surgery involves an incision of approximately 3/4” within the palm. Then the surgeon divides and spreads apart the transverse carpal ligament, located at the roof of the carpal tunnel, increasing the tunnel size and immediately relieving pressure on the median nerve. Even when the ligament grows back after surgery, the extra space in the carpal tunnel remains, which keeps pressure off the median nerve.
Dr. Randy Delcore prefers to perform the mini-open carpal tunnel release at COSC for many reasons.
- Endoscopic
The surgeon makes one small incision in the wrist. He or she may also make another incision in your palm. These incisions are approximately 1/2”. The surgeon then inserts a camera into one of the incisions. The camera serves as a guide when cutting the ligament in the wrist.
Here is a comparison regarding some of the benefits of a mini-open Carpal Tunnel Release over the endoscopic release procedure.
Mini-open CTR | Endoscopic CTR |
Local anesthesia | Requires general anesthesia. |
No special equipment required. | Requires an endoscope and disposable kit. |
Shorter procedure – average OR time: 15-20 mins. Average tourniquet time – 5 minutes |
Surgical time is longer due to required scope set-up, etc. |
Allowed to return to work the next day w/ limited use; no work restrictions 12 days after procedure. | No difference in recovery. |
Least expensive: $1,850 (All-inclusive bundled price) |
More expensive: Average cost: $3,000 |
Where to find the lowest carpal tunnel surgery cost
Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center offers easily affordable surgical treatment to put an end to the pain of CTS. You have one price of $1,850 that includes the facility fee and surgeon’s fee. Anesthesia involved with this surgery is customarily a local anesthetic. You will unquestionably find the carpal tunnel surgery cost to be very competitive at COSC in comparison with other outpatient surgery centers around the country, including those offering transparent pricing. In fact, we were proud to treat a woman who actually traveled to Cedar City from Oklahoma City (the land of price transparency) to have her carpal tunnel release performed here at COSC.
In addition to the video testimonials by happy patients on our home page, you will also find Google Reviews of patients who have experienced the excellent care Dr. Delcore [Link to home page on Dr. Delcore’s name] provides.
Innovation in Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Dr. Delcore is also an innovator in carpal tunnel surgery as he has designed and developed a specialized retractor for mini-open carpal tunnel release. The SECTSEE retractor is like no other surgical retractor. SECTSEE (Surgically Exposing Carpal Tunnel See Everything Everytime) is a retractor that facilitates optimal exposure during the “release” portion of the procedure.
High-Quality and Lowest Carpal Tunnel Surgery Cost
Not only does COSC offer the lowest carpal tunnel surgery cost, but it has also been recognized for high-quality orthopaedic surgery in general as evidenced by our many accreditations, licensing and recognition awards.
- Accredited since 2006 by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare, Inc. (AAAHC)
- Recognition in Top Ten Percent for Patient Satisfaction Scores by the National Company SurveyVitals.
- Accredited by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- COSC is fully licensed by the Utah Department of Health
So, whether you are just beginning to suspect that you have carpal tunnel syndrome, or you have been suffering from symptoms for a while, it may be time to either be evaluated and get a definite diagnosis and treatment plan or simply plan to have it fixed with the lowest carpal tunnel surgery cost.
Call Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty Clinic at 586-1003 for an initial consultation.
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No Hidden Fees or Costs
(Implants Included)
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of the body for which you would like to get an instant, all-inclusive price quote.
Choose Procedure or Surgery
- ACL Reconstruction with Allograft
- ACL Reconstruction with Autograft
- Arthroscopic Knee Synovectomy/
Plicectomy - Arthroscopy with Lateral Release
- Arthroscopy with Meniscectomy
- Diagnostic Arthroscopy
- Knee Manipulation Under Anesthesia
- Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy
- Total Knee Arthroplasty
- Unicompartmental Arthroplasty
- Acromioplasty/
Decompression - Acromioplasty/
Decompression/ Distal Clavicle Resection - Bankart Stabilization
- Biceps Tenotomy/
Tenodesis - Distal Clavicle Resection
- Pectoralis Tendon Repair
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Shoulder Manipulation Under Anesthesia
- Total Shoulder Replacement
- Total Shoulder Replacement (Reverse)

PLEASE NOTE: If you schedule surgery at our facility and will be using insurance, the prices listed on this website do not apply to you.
We want your surgery to be as easy to plan for as possible. Please read this disclaimer in its entirety so you can make the most informed decision regarding our prices and services. The cash prices on our website are only for patients who will not be filing an insurance claim or prefer to pay for their own surgical needs. The fees listed will be paid up front via cash, check or credit card and are to be paid in full prior to the surgery.
Price quoted is for payment via cash, check, or money order. For credit card charges, a 3% transaction fee will be added to cover merchant services.
The prices for the surgeries listed on our website DO cover the following:
- The initial consultation with the surgeon is included, as is uncomplicated follow-up care. There is an initial $150 fee which will be applied to the total cost of the procedure if surgery is indicated and you choose to have the surgery. If the surgery is not indicated or you choose to not have the surgery, the fee will be retained by the surgeon for the consultation.
- Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center – Same Day Surgery, Post Anesthesia Unit (if applicable) and Operating Room
- Surgeon’s Fees
- Anesthesia Fees (If applicable)
- Joint Replacements – The fee also covers the implants and Physical Therapy.
- In-Surgery X-Rays/Imagery (If applicable)
The prices for the surgeries listed on our website DO NOT cover the following:
- Any diagnostic studies necessary prior to surgery such as labs, MRI, X-Rays, specialist consultations to determine medical risk/management, physical therapy.
- Any hardware for fractures (including, but not limited to, pins, screws, plates, rods, and external fixation devices). These types of surgeries may need a single or numerous implants, depending on the nature of the injury. Once you have had your consultation with Dr. Delcore, the price information will be provided to you regarding the necessary implants. We only charge invoice costs to our patients and do not mark up implants.
- Postoperative prescription medications and/or any required assistive devices.
- Expenses for travel and lodging
- Expenses or fees from complications during/following the completion of surgery and discharge from Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center.
The procedures listed on our website are only a partial list of the surgeries we can offer. If you have a surgical need that is not listed on our website, please contact us and we will discuss the availability and pricing.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 34.0 or higher, you may well qualify for up to a $3,000 surcharge.
If you have any questions regarding our services and prices, please contact us via email or phone and our dedicated staff will work with you to answer any questions you may have.