The magnetic resonance imaging machine is an extraordinary and safe imaging device that creates clear, precise images of a wide variety of anatomical structures within the body. Instead of relying on the type of radiation used for x-rays or CT scans, MRI uses a powerful magnetic field, high frequency radio waves, and an advanced computer system to aid diagnosis and treatment planning for many medical conditions.
The caring staff at Southern Utah MRI assist patients with their imaging needs in a comfortable setting as an alternative to the high-priced assembly-line hospital imaging – always at a fraction of the hospital price, whether a patient has private insurance, or no coverage at all.
In a health care environment plagued by super-high deductibles, shouldn’t we be shopping for our imaging needs as well as our surgical needs? The pricing for MRIs at hospitals, especially with insurance, can be astronomical, but SUMRI has a solution. We are following in the footsteps of Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center and offering a cash payment option!
Statistical reports state that 90-94 percent of patients currently never meet their large deductibles in a given year. Why pay high prices for hospital MRI services on the outside chance you may have a very expensive health event during the year? It’s more than likely that you will not.
So, skip the high price of using your insurance for a hospital MRI. Go easy on your bank account this year and pay cash for your MRI at SUMRI.
Although Randy G. Delcore, M.D. brought the first MRI to Iron County when he established Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty Clinic and Southern Utah MRI in 1997, access to that MRI is not restricted to Dr. Delcore’s patients. In fact, anyone with a referral slip from any doctor is welcome to experience the high-quality, low-cost service at SUMRI.
Southern Utah MRI is proud to maintain high practice standards as required for accreditation and certification by the American College of Radiology (ACR).
To make an appointment for your imaging needs or get more information about SUMRI, call (435) 865-9293.
$450 for MRI if with contrast
“We strive to provide a compassionate, individualized experience to patients requiring magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of an illness or condition as well as efficiently orchestrating the physician follow-up. We maintain high-quality, state-of-the-art technology that adheres to state standards as well as those of the American College of Radiology.