Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Specialty Clinic


Cedar Orthopaedic’s OR Excellence Award

Check out the linked article about Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center winning a national O.R. Excellence award from the magazine Outpatient Surgery for Dr. Delcore’s perioperative pain management practices. Amidst the current environment of national concern regarding the use of opioids, Dr. Delcore is dedicated to keeping the use of those medications for surgery at a minimum.

Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center featured in ASC Focus

For those of you who are already familiar with COSC, this is not news. We have been offering cash pricing for orthopaedic surgeries since 2004, and our transparent pricing tool can be found here on our website. The tool can be used to find the price that includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesiologist fee, facility fee, and joint implant cost for many orthopaedic procedures that include total and partial joint replacements.

Five Steps to High-Quality Surgery for Great Prices in Southern Utah

Medical tourism involves traveling outside of one’s home locality to receive medical or surgical treatment for a better price and quality than local hospitals and standard insurance coverages currently offer. This route has been an option for many years. as people who are discontent with their health care choices in their own area look elsewhere. While many have thought this option only involved traveling outside the country, domestic medical tourism has been flourishing within the United States. Learn why medical tourism in the United States can be a safer and more affordable option.

Medical Monopolies & Rising Surgery Costs

How much does the average knee replacement surgery cost – $16,000, $31,000, $90,000? In some markets, it can be all of these. Thanks to medical monopolies across the country, merging hospitals have banded together in order to SUPPOSEDLY bring better care to their patients.

Three Benefits of Outpatient Surgical Care

Many orthopaedic facilities, mainly those attached to large health care systems, lead patients to the misconception that every orthopaedic surgery must be performed in a hospital. In reality, there are many orthopaedic procedures that can be performed in an outpatient setting, much to the benefit of the patient. If you’ve been considering options for your othopaedic needs, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of outpatient services in a freestanding surgical center versus hospital-based procedures.

Congressman Chris Stewart Visits Cedar Orthopaedic Surgery Center

Delcore talked with Rep. Stewart about a serious challenge the surgery center is facing in its rural environment of southern Utah due to the consolidated delivery and insurance market in which they operate. The nature of the market in which they operate has made it hard for COSC to obtain contracts to perform and be reimbursed for surgical services.

You Shop for Good Deals on Steak – Try Cash Pay Surgery Centers!

Medical and surgical pricing is not getting any less expensive. This is despite the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March of 2010. The general promise of less expensive health care may have given many people the assurance that shopping for health care services would not be necessary. However, that has not been the case. Yet cash pay surgery centers offer a solution to this situation.


In the world of orthopaedic surgery, some surgery centers and hospitals are touting the benefits of one method of hip replacement over another.  One debate between orthopaedic surgeons is whether anterior approach to the hip joint is superior to the more traditionally practiced posterior incision.